Night life at MICA — Part II

Rajat Pande
4 min readMay 31, 2017


This is part II of the post. You can read the first one here.

A graffiti that was made under the Champa resurrection project.

Campus walls are covered with graffitis and wall art drawn by students. From Batman to Frida Kahlo, we have all the figments of imagination painted on the walls around.

Security guards who are always on duty even during the wee hours of a cold, winter night, are out there keeping the community safe. They may be away from all the gatherings and celebrations inside but they are as much a part of the MICA family as any student or faculty is.

There is a reason why the campus roads have speed breakers. It is so that you go slow and in the process, admire the beauty around.

Spend some time listening to the stories that the trees around you are narrating. There are more than 3000 trees on campus. This tree that stands tall, ridden of all leaves, in the middle of MICAfe area looks surreal but harbors owls and parrots that catch the attention of students who come to grab a cup of coffee between classes.

A not so rare sight would be deserted hostel compounds but it will be momentary and only till the assignment submission deadline expires. Once done with the assignments, the campus comes back to life as mortals emerge from their rooms and head for a cup of midnight chai at Chhota or Chai specialists.

In Ahmedabad’s sweltering heat, rains are indeed a god send which begin sometime in the month of June and go all the way to September or even October if all the rishis do the yagnas properly.

One evening, Zeus decided to teach MICAns a lesson and brought his weapons along. As lightning struck, residents of Palaash gathered in the corridors to witness this spectacle.

Being away from the city has its own perks. For instance, You can sit and quietly gaze at the stars in an air pollution free sky. You can even identify a couple of constellations.

Clicked during an ongoing basketball match during SAMAR 2017, (SAMAR is the sports fest of MICA)

The enthusiasm runs really high when it comes to Sports. From inter-batch battles to inter-hostel battles, we see everyone sweat it out on the field or the court.

With leaves strewn across the passages and lights everywhere, nights at MICA become an experience. It becomes the beginning of a day and not end of night. While mortals become Nocturnal beings and scrawn around under the yoke of assignments, pre-reads and competitions, the campus puts on its best attire under the dark sky.

The last picture (below) was clicked a few months back and was my first attempt at capturing star trails. This one is special because the movement of the stars makes me reminisce the sojourn. One important thing that I believe in is MICARPE DIEM which is an adapted version of Carpe Diem which means “Seize the day”. Here, MICARPE DIEM is “seize each moment at MICA”. This journey was beautiful when I lived it and it still is when I look at it, in retrospect.

You can checkout more pictures of the campus here.



Rajat Pande

Writer | Runner | Environmentalist | Cinephile | Photographer